Bulgarian traditions were created thousands of years ago. One very important part of the Bulgarian culture are Bulgarian traditions and customs. Their traditions are related to Bulgarian history, religion and trusts.
Bulgarians perform their traditional rituals on the holidays and believe that the rituals will bring happiness, health, love and fertility. Only in Bulgaria people" survakat" on Christmas. Only Bulgarians wear "martenitsi" and only Bulgarians celebrate Baba Marta on 1 March. And these are some of our incredible rituals.
Bulgaria is a country with many beauties and monuments. There are countless relics in the museums. The distinctive villages and the buildings there are amazing. We had many wonderful capitals with castles and churches.
Bulgaria is a great place to visit! And we are proud of being Bulgarians and we want to conserve our traditions.
понеделник, 16 ноември 2009 г.
Our Country
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Bulgarian Treasures

The Letnitsa Treasure

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Етикети: Monuments
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Етикети: Holidays
неделя, 15 ноември 2009 г.
The beginning of the theater in Bulgaria is placed first with the construction of libraries. They weren’t only a center for science but also for culture. For a long time the performances were amateur. Even female roles were performed by men. During the Renaissance, the wealthier Bulgarians sent their children to study abroad and returning they brought the European experience and ideas. Initially there weren’t professional artists, but traveling troupes were touring the country and gave performances.
In 1881 in Plovdiv the first professional theatre was founded. The majority of the actors were self-taught, but some were trained overseas, mainly in Russia. There, the young actors were trained in the methods of Stanislavsky - our famous actors (for Theater, Adriana Budevska, Atanas Kirchev etc.) and Nikolay Chekhov, who later went to America and there carried the same methodology. Thus the Bulgarian theater became part of world culture. In 1948, in Sofia the first state university school of acting was opened.
Krastio Sarafov is a Bulgarian stage actor. He studied at St. Petersburg and debuted in 1899 with his role “Inspector”. The majority of his roles was played in the National Theater.
Adriana Budevska is a Bulgarian actress and one of the founders of the professional theater in Bulgaria. She is considered to be one of the best performers in tragic roles.
The recent years are great renaissance of theater because the actors and directors are looking for new means of expression. Bulgarian theater isn’t world famous because of the specificity of our language, but there are several new theater groups, which translate Bulgarian playwrights and play productions in foreign languages worldwide. Cosmopolitan society helps the development of theater and culture, because translation of the play is facilitated with the development of communications.
Georgi Kaloyanchev is a Bulgarian actor, born in 1925 in Burgas. He is starring in over 60 plays and 63 films. He is an actor who will remain forever in the minds of Bulgarians.
Tatyana Lolova is a loved Bulgarian actress, known mainly for her comic roles in films and in theater. She is also author of the autobiography book “Half life”
Stefan Danailov is known actor and politician. He has participated in 53 films and many theatrical productions. Since 2005 Stefan Danailov is the previous Bulgarian Minister of Culture.
Публикувано от Dream Team в 12:50 0 коментара
Етикети: Movies and Theatre
Hristo Botev

Botev is briliant author and revolutionary. He was born in the town Kalofer and his father is the teacher Botio Petkov. He was a student in Odesa. Hristo Botev emigrated to Romania in 1867. He was a teacher in Aleksandria and Izmail from 1869 until 1871. He published the newspapers ''Alarm clock'', ''Flag'' and ''New Bulgaria''. He died on 20 May 1876. He was killed in the war.
The Hanging of Vasil Levski
O my Mother, dear Motherland
Why weep you so mournfully, so plaintively?
And you, raven, cursed bird -
On whose grave croak you with such a dread?
Ah, I know - I know you're weeping, Mother
Because you are a dismal slave,
Because your holy voice, Mother
Is a helpless voice - a voice in the wilderness.
Weep! There, near the edge of Sofia town
Old people pray to God with fervor
Women weep, children cry.
Winter croons its evil song,
Gales sweep thistle across the field
And cold and frost and hopeless weeping
Heep sorrow on your heart.
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Етикети: Literature
Dobri Chintulov
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Етикети: Literature
Leaders of Bulgarian Nation
Paisii Hilendarski
St Pisii was born in 1722 in Bansko. Although with no education, 23 years old, he went to Hilendar monastery, where he became a priest and podigumen. Two years collecting materials and finishes in history in 1762.
”Slav-Bulgarian History is is a cross-piece which interweaves elements of history, autobiography and journalism. Contains medieval and Renaissance features. Paisii opposes Bulgaria to Greece and Serbia, pointing out its advantages for people to raise their self-esteem.

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Етикети: Leaders
Ivan Vazov

Probably the best Bulgarian writer!
Vazov was born in the town Sopot in 1850. He was a pupil in Kalofer and a student in The High School in Plovdiv. Reading used to be his hobby and his favoutre authors were Alphonse de Lamartine, Pierre-Jean de Béranger and Victor Hugo. He was studing French. His first book of poetry was ''Пряпорец и гусла''. In 1870 he emigrated to Romania but he came back to Bulgaria a few months later.
The volunteers at Shipka
(August 11, 1877)
What if we still carry shame on our forehead,
Marks of the whip, signs of bondage abhorrent;
What if remembrance of infamous days
Hangs like a cloud over all we survey;
What if in history no place we're allotted,
What if our name be a tragic one, what if
Old Belasitsa and recent Batak
Over our past throw their deep shadows black;
What if men mockingly laugh in our faces,
Pointing to newly lost fetters, to traces
Still on our necks of the ages-long yoke;
What if this freedom was gives our folk?
What of it? We know a recent true story,
A shining new symbol, a symbol of glory,
That proudly within every bosom pulsates
And noble strong feeling within us awakes;
There on a mounting that glows in the distance,
Heaven's blue vault on its broad shoulder lifting,
Rises a famous wild peak with blood on its moss,
A monument huge to a deed that's immortal,
Because a deep memory lives in the Balkans,
Because there's a name that shall live for all time,
As bright as a legend in history it shines,
A new name, its roots to antiquity tracing,
As great ad Thermopylae, all fame embracing,
A same to wipe shame away, with its plain truth
Smashing to smithereens calumny's tooth.
O Shipka!
For three days out youthful battalions
The pass have defended. The high mountain valleys
Re-echo the battle's tumultuous roar.
The onslaught's ferocious! Again the dense hordes
Along the ravine for the twelfth time are crawling
Where warm blood is flowing and bodies are sprawling.
Assault on assault! Swarm on swarm they advance!
Once more at the towering peak Suleiman
is pointing: "Rush forward! Up there are the rayahs!"
Away race the hordes in a rage wild and dire,
A thunderous "Allah" re-echoes afar.
The summit replies with a rousing "Hurrah!",
A hail of fresh bullets and tree trunks and boulders;
Spattered with blood, our battalions boldly
Retaliate, every man in his own way
Striving to be in the front of the fray,
Each, like a hero, death bravely defying,
Determined to leave one more enemy dying.
Cannon are pounding. The Turks with a cry
Rush up the slope where they tumble and die;
Coming like tigers, like sheep they go flying,
Then come once again: the Bulgarians fighting
Like lions are running along the redoubt,
Neither heat, thirst nor toil are they worried about.
The onslaught is fierce, the rebuff no less stout.
For three days they fight but no help is arriving,
And no hope is visible on the horizon,
And no brother eagles come swiftly with aid.
No matter. They'll die, but die true, unafraid -
As died the brave Spartans who stood against Xerxes.
Fresh waves are now rolling up; all are alerted!
A last effort's needed: the moment is grave.
And then does Stoletov, our general brave,
Roar words of great courage: "Young volunteer fighters,
Now crown Bulgaria with laurels of triumph!
The Tsar has entrusted the pass, the whole war,
Himself even, unto these muscles, of yours!"
Thus heartened, our proud and heroic battalions
Courageously meet the next thrust of the rallying
Enemy hordes! O heroic time!
Fresh waves of assailants the cliffs now climb.
Our men have no bullets, with bravery girded,
Their bayonets broken, their breasts ever sturdy,
They're all to a man ready gladly to die
On the ridge which the whole of the world can descry,
To die here like heroes triumphant, victorious .
"The whole of Bulgaria watches, supports us,
The peak is a high one: if we run away,
She'll see us – so better to die here today!"
No weapons are left! What remains is the slaughter!
Each stone is a bomb and each tree-trunk a sword is.
Each object – a blow, and each soul – flame that sears.
From the peak every tree, every stone disappears.
"Grab hold of the bodies!" they hear a voice crying,
At once through the air lifeless corpses are flying,
And over the hordes like black devils they dive
And tumble and roll as if they were alive!
The Turks quake and tremble, not having seen ever
The living and death fight a battle together,
And raise a shrill cry of demoniac rage.
In life and death combat the armies engage.
Our heroes, there standing as steady as boulders,
Meet bayonet steel with steel breasts no less boldly,
And sing as they cast themselves into the fray
When they realize Death shall now snatch them away.
But still our young heroes rebuff, sink and swallow
The hordes that is wave upon wave swiftly follow.
The peak any minute shall ours be no more.
Then suddenly Radetzky arrives with a roar.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
And today, every time there's a storm in the mountain,
The summit recall this grim day and, recounting
The story, its echoing glory relays
From valley ti valley, from age unto age!
Публикувано от Dream Team в 3:27 0 коментара
Етикети: Literature
Nikova Vaptsarov
To My Wife
Sometimes I'll come when you're asleep,
An unexpected visitor.
Don't leave me outside in the street.
Don't bar the door!
I'll enter quietly, softly sit.
And gaze upon you in the dark.
Then when my eyes have gazed their fill,
I'll kiss you and depart
Публикувано от Dream Team в 2:09 0 коментара
Етикети: Literature
събота, 14 ноември 2009 г.

The stronghold was built 10 centuries ago on the ruined Roman castle called Bononia. In the past there were big bridges made of rope between the turrsts. The stronghold defended the town Vidin from enemy`s armies. The stronghold was a prison from XIV century untill XIX century. But today Babinite Vidini Kuli are only an attraction for the tourists in Bulgaria.
Публикувано от Dream Team в 14:10 1 коментара
Етикети: Monuments
Публикувано от Dream Team в 13:06 0 коментара
Етикети: Monuments
It is believed that the first film, created in the world, was “Workers leaving the factory”,which was shot in 1895 . At that time Bulgaria was an economic upswing, so only 20 years later the first Bulgarian film “Balgran is a gallant” (1915) was projected . The film was black and white and silent, and it remained only one or two frames.
Unfortunately, the Bulgarian cinema is not very developed in the coming years because of the country's participation in several consecutive wars. Only after World War II they began to build summer cinemas, and memorable movies were created, some of which remain forever in the minds of Bulgarians. It’s operated mainly in three genres – historical films, comedies and dramas.
After the changes in the Eastern block, Bulgarian movies enter a new crisis and reduce the production of films, but with the becoming of Bulgaria a member of the European Union ,they began to create new modern films.
Публикувано от Dream Team в 11:14 0 коментара
Етикети: Movies and Theatre

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Етикети: Religion
Name Days
-What is name day?
-In Bulgaria, people celebrate a special holiday of their names. People with same names, celebrate on the same day. That is a very famous holiday in Bulgaria, and everybody celebrates it like a birthday. Bulgarian name days are:
Vasilyovden- 1 January
Vasiliov den is the day of Saint Vasilii. People called Vasil, Vasilka, Vasko, Vaska, Veska, Vesela, Veselina and Valcho celebrate their name day on 1 January.
Gergyovden- 6 May
6 May is the day of Martyr George Victorious who killed a big monster. On this day Bulgarian families always eat lamb meat. People called George, Gosho, Joro, Gergana, Gergina, Gerga celebrate their name day on 6 May.
Dimitrovden- 26 October
Dimitrov den is the day of Saint Dimitar. And everyone with the name Dimitar, Dimitrina, Mita, Mitka, Mitko, Mitio, Dimo, Dima or Dimka celebrates Dimitrovden.
Ivanovden- 7 January
7 January is the day of Saint Ioan Baptist. People with the names Ivan, Ivana, Ivanka, Iva, Ivanina and Ivancho celebrate on 7 January.
Arhangelovden- 8 November
Arhangelov den is the day of Saint Mihail. Saint Mihail is an angel who always stands next to God. People with names Anglel, Mihail, Rangel, Raina, Radka and Milka celebrate their name day on Arhangelovden.
Yordanovden- 6 January
On this day Jesus Christ was baptized in river Iordan. And everyone one with the name Iordan, Iordanka, Dancho, Dana, Boian, Bogdan, Bogdana celebrates Iordanovden.
Atanasovden- 18 January
Atanasovden is the day of Saint Atanas. On this day people say: Go away winter, come summer! . Everyone with the name Atanas, Atanasko, Tasko, Nasko, Traiko, Jivko, Traian, Traiana, Traika has name day on 18 January.
Todorovden- On the Saturday of the first week of The Long Lent
Todorovden is the day of Saint Todor and it is famous as the day of the horse too. Saint Todor is the patron of the horses. People called Todor, Todorka, Teodora and Dora celebrate their name day on Todorovden.
Petrovden- 29 June
Petrovden is the day of two apostles. Their names are Peter and Pavel. On this day everyone with the name Petar, Pavel, Petya, Petranka and Pavlina celebrates his name day.
Andreevden- 30 November
Saint Andrei was a student of Jesus Christ and he is a brother of the apostle Petar. This holiday is famous in Bulgaria as Mechkinden too. People with names Andrei, Andreia and Adrian have name day on 30 November.
Enyovden- 24 June
This is the birthday of Saint Ioan and 24 June is very famous as the day of the Sun. People say that this is the day when the herbs are the most medicative. People with names Encho, Enyo,Yani, Yana, Yanka, Yanita, Yanko, Yancho.
Antonovden- 17 January
This is a traditional Bulgarian name day. Antonovden is the day of Saint Anton and everyone with name Anton, Andon, Antoniq, Antoaneta and Tonin celebrates on 17 January.
Vyara, Nadejda i Lyubov (Faith, Hope and Love) – 17 September
This is the day of the sisters Saint Vyara, Saint Nadejda, Saint Lyubov and their mother Saint Sofia. In English Vyara means Faith, Nadejda means Hope and Lyubov means Love. Women with names Vyara, Nadejda, Lyubov and Sofia have name day on 17 September.
Simeonovden- 1 September
This is the day of Saint Simeon. Bulgarians say that Saint Simeon comes with the fall. Everyone with the name Simeon celebrates on 1 September.
Nikulden- 6 December
Nikulden is one very importanat Bulgarian holiday. This is the day of Saint Nikola. He is the patron of fishermen, bankers and sailors. On this day people in Bulgaria always eat craps. And this is the holiday of Burgas, our town. Everyone with the name Nikolai, Nikola, Nikolina, Nikol, Nikoleta, Nina, Kolyo or Nana has name day on Nikulden.
Spasovden- 40 days after Easter
On this day Jesus Christ went to the sky. Everyone with name Spas or Spaska celebrates Spasovden.
Stefanovden- 27 December
20 December is the day of Saint Stefan. On this day people in Bulgaria don`t do any work at home. And people called Stefan, Stefka or Stefani celebrate their name day on 27 December.
Trifonovden- 14 February
Trifonovden or Trifon Zarezan is very famous as the day of the vines. Saint Trifon is the patron of the grape and wine-producers. Men with name Trifon have name day on 14 February.
Публикувано от Dream Team в 9:21 0 коментара
Етикети: Holidays
Bulgarian Monuments
The Kazanlak Tomb was found accidentally in 1944. It’s from the time of the Odrysian kingdom (4th century BC). It’s also the tomb in best shape. The Kazanlak tomb was already robbed in ancient times.
Публикувано от Dream Team в 4:49 0 коментара
Етикети: Monuments

Публикувано от Dream Team в 3:46 0 коментара
Етикети: Religion
петък, 13 ноември 2009 г.
Pirin Dances
Pirin is one of our beautiful mountains. Its nature makes a person feel welcome and encourages him to create things of beauty and art such as the ones that surround him. In this region men and women usually dance separately and if they take part in the same dance the women dance at the rear of the line with a handkerchief held between the last man and the first woman. There are many dances in 7/8 and often the dances begin slowly and increase in speed. The style is either sustained with a catlike feel , weight being taken onto the balls of the feet slightly behind the beat (hesitation), or is characterised by fast and low movements skimming across the ground. Men's dances include balancing movements with high knee lifts, often in shoulder hold. Women's style is graceful and light, hands are held in low hold or in 'asymmetrical' W- hold in which case the left arm is extended further than the right arm. In certain dances the arms move up and down in time with the music.
Публикувано от Dream Team в 3:27 0 коментара
Етикети: Dances
Shop Dances
Another Bulgarian style with lots of different dances in it. Shop style is probably the most difficult Bulgarian style for non-Bulgarians to master. Mostly that's because of the speed of the dances and the amount of energy necessary to dance so many steps in a short space of time. Dances are usually performed in short lines, with belt hold or crossed hand hold. Separate hand movements are not common in Shop dances. If hands are not joined they are placed on the hips with palms flat, backs facing out. The body is held upright but with weight slightly forward so it is over the balls of the feet. This allows the performance of fast small steps often referred to as "knitting with the feet". Knee lifts are abrupt and high, and are often coupled with bending the body forward. Men's and women's styles are similar. As the dancer moves the whole body, especially the shoulders, should vibrate with a type of shaking movement called "natrisanne" which gives the impression that the dancer is hardly touching the floor with his feet. Cries and shouts are also common.
Публикувано от Dream Team в 3:25 0 коментара
Етикети: Dances
Rhodopes Dances
The dances in this region are as beautiful as it is. However, the Rhodope mountain area is known more for its strong tradition of open throat singing than for its dances. Our mountains are one of the most beautiful places in Bulgaria. On such places you feel inspiration and connection with nature. The dance style here has been subject to religious influences as this is the area of Bulgaria which has the largest Muslim population. This means that men and women usually dance separately. Religion differences are sometimes a thing that throws a shadow over the beauty of dances and nature. The style is subdued and heavy, with small steps and low hops using the whole foot. Hands are joined in low or "W" hold. Women's dances are usually accompanied by songs.
Публикувано от Dream Team в 3:24 0 коментара
Етикети: Dances
Trakija Dances
The most deceptive Bulgarian dance style is probably Thracian style. At first it appears relatively easy style to learn, but it takes a great deal of practice to really dance the dances from this region with the smoothly flowing, graceful movements evident when watching both men and women who have been born in this area, and it is a style that is easily lost. Dance with relaxed knees, that’s the most important key to Thracian style. Steps are taken onto the whole foot, with the body weight centered over the feet. Hands are held in "W" hold or low hold or are used for smooth flowing arm movements.
In this region dances are based mainly on a 2/4 rhythm especially in Eastern Thrace. More common in Western Thrace ,especially in the area close to the Shop region ,are irregular rhythms such as 5/8, 7/16 and 9/16. The tropoli (tapping) step is found only in Eastern Thrace (Stara Zagora, Sliven, Yambol Districts) and is danced only by men. Women dance with a less flamboyant style than the men. Pair dances are more common in Trakija than other regions.
Публикувано от Dream Team в 3:20 0 коментара
Етикети: Dances
Dobruja Dances
First of all, to get the feeling of Dobrujan dancing ,stand with your feet apart and bend your knees as far as you comfortably can with your feet flat on the floor, push your ribs forward while keeping your back straight and stay there throughout the dance! Dobrujans dance with their knees always bent and their backs hollow. They all seem to be of short stature and solid.
With the dance a story is told- the life is hard for the Dobrujan farmer as he has to struggle with nature in order to survive, so his dancing, with strong downward movements, expresses his struggle with the land.
When a Dobrujan dances he uses his whole body. Hands are joined crossed in front, in belt hold, in "W" hold or placed with the back of hand on hips,the palms open and facing outwards. They are also used for strong, firm, positive arm movements. Men and women dance together, though there are some dances for men or women only. Women's movements are simpler and lighter with slight shoulder twists.
Публикувано от Dream Team в 3:19 0 коментара
Етикети: Dances
Northern Dances
Another region that contributes to our colorful dances. The dances from the North of Bulgaria are mainly mixed, with similar styles for men and women. They are danced with an upright body carriage, with weight over the balls of the feet which allows the dancer to perform fast footwork with high knee lifts and various crossing steps similar to those found in dances from southern Romania. The impetus is upwards, hops are further off the ground than in the Shop region and knee lifts are less sharp.
There are some typical positions of course. In this region a variety of hand "positions" and movements are common. These include hands joined in low hold and swung backwards and forwards, joined in "W" hold in which case the arms "jig" up and down in time with the music making small circular movements, joined crossed behind backs or placed on hips, thumbs back.
Публикувано от Dream Team в 3:18 0 коментара
Етикети: Dances
Bulgarian National Dances

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Етикети: Dances
четвъртък, 12 ноември 2009 г.

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Етикети: Holidays
The Day of St. Konstantin and St. Elena
Nestinarstvo (fire dancing)
The" nestinarstvo" is one typical Bulgarian custom. The "nestinarstvo" is dancing on hot embers without any shoes or socks. The dancers dance with the sacred images of Saint Konstantin and Saint Elena. And the custom is still practiced today in one little village in Bulgaria called `Balgari` in the beautiful Strandzha Mountain, 18 km away from the town of Tzarevo. The ritual is performed on the Day of St. Konstantin and St. Elena on June 3 and June 4. People think of them as chosen by the patron Saint and it is even believed that they can hear his voice and see his face during the ritual. The "nestinars" are not only women, there are also male nestinars.
Публикувано от Dream Team в 3:22 0 коментара
Етикети: Holidays
Bulgarian Music

He performs roles in Moscow’s Bolshoi Theater, Vienna’s Shtatsopera, Parish Grand Opera, Millan’s La Scala, London’s Covent Garden and New York’s Metropolitan opera, as well az many other prestigious theaters. Remarkable are his roles Mephistopheles in "Faust" Charles Gounod, Philip II in Don Carlos of Giuseppe Verdi, Don Juan in the eponymous opera by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Boris Godunov in the opera of Modest Mussorgsky.
In 2000 Raina Kabaivanska was awarded the Grand Prix.
"A life dedicated to music, Venice. She is Cavalier of the Italian Republic for civil courage and for her outstanding contribution to the art. Five times she is declared the most popular personality in Italy and 2 times musician of the year.

Публикувано от Dream Team в 3:09 0 коментара
Етикети: Music and Costumes