неделя, 15 ноември 2009 г.

Leaders of Bulgarian Nation

Paisii Hilendarski

The founder of the Bulgarian Revival is considered St Paisii Hilendarski. In 1762 he wrote his famous treatise "Slav-Bulgarian History" (Istoriya Slavyano-Balgarska). The book is a kind of call to the Bulgarians for national awakening and struggle against their oppressors. "Slav-Bulgarian History " is transmitted and copied by the Bulgarian people as a sacred relic.
St Pisii was born in 1722 in Bansko. Although with no education, 23 years old, he went to Hilendar monastery, where he became a priest and podigumen. Two years collecting materials and finishes in history in 1762.
”Slav-Bulgarian History is is a cross-piece which interweaves elements of history, autobiography and journalism. Contains medieval and Renaissance features. Paisii opposes Bulgaria to Greece and Serbia, pointing out its advantages for people to raise their self-esteem.

Sofronii Vrachanski

The activity of Hilendarski has a worthy successor in the person of another national leaders - Sofronii Vrachanski. He is the author of the first Bulgarian printed book, published in 1806. The book is a compendium of festive teachings under the title "Nedelnik". Sofroni Vrachanski reached the conviction that a successful liberation struggle of the Bulgarian people need to be raised primarily level education. It calls for education, liturgy and literature to be spoken Bulgarian language to be accessible to everyone. Sofronii aims to build lasting in people's consciousness of Bulgarian nationality.

  Luben Karavelov 

The  movement of liberation during  the Renaissance brings into the world new revolutionary figures.

The Bulgarian Revolutionary Central Committee has been created in 1869.It merges two big revolutionary movements – the democrats and the liberals. Luben Karavelov  shows the true face of social relations Ottoman Empire in his issues of the newspaper “Svoboda” /”Freedom”/ . He presents the Ottoman government  as an enemy of freedom and progress of  all Balkan states  .

  Vasil Levski 

Vasil Kunchev , mostly known as Vasil Levski , is may be one of the most famous leaders of Bulgarian Nation . The base of his political ideology is his faith in natural power of Bulgarian people. He defines the biggest aim of the liberating struggle against the Ottoman slavery with general revolution leading to changing the public system to democratic republic.


Hristo Botev 

Hristo Botev is a follower of the idea of uniting all Balkan nations into one .He is a revolutionary but also and a  poet and publisher. Botev rationalizes the most progressive ideas of Russia. He yearns for a revolt and becomes one of the ardent Bulgarian leaders, the one who outlines the strategic and tactical aims of the revolutionary struggle of Bulgarian nation.