четвъртък, 5 ноември 2009 г.


Bulgarian yogurt is an original national product. Its beginning is connected to the developed sheep-breeding from the time of the Thracians. The shepherds turned part of the fresh milk into different products. Yogurt is made from heated fresh milk, which has gone through fermentation at 40-45 degrees. Depending on the milk that it’s made from the yogurt can be sheep’s yogurt, cow’s yogurt, buffalo-cow’s yogurt or mixed yogurt. Here’s a recipe for Bulgarian yogurt:

Required products  

  • 1 l fresh milk
  • 1 soupspoon yoghurt
Way of making
  • Boil the fresh milk and let it cool to 38-40 degrees.
  • Fill ¼ of a tea cup with the milk, add the yoghurt and stir. Then put the mixture into the fresh milk again. Stir, close the container with the milk with a lid, wrap it in a blanket and leave it in a warm place.
  • The temperature of 38-40 degrees should be kept for about 3 hours until the fermentation is done.
  • After that the yoghurt should be kept in a fridge.